Jala-chan is a wearer of many hats, both figuratively and literally. A veteran podcaster regularly co-hosting Duckfeed.tv's The Level and guest hosting on various other shows, she is also a certified personal trainer and athlete, a (formerly) gallery-represented fine arts painter, and lifelong learner. This show began as a catch-all for topics and concepts she had no outlet for but wished to share by way of creating meaningful conversation.
Jala Prendes has hosted 78 Episodes.
Episode 14: The Phantom of the Opera and Phantom by Susan Kay [Books]
October 28th, 2022 | 1 hr 41 mins
book, books, gaston leroux, horror, phantom, phantom of the opera, prose, romance, susan kay
Jala is joined by Alex and Slade to discuss both Gaston Leroux's classic 1910 novel The Phantom of the Opera as well as Phantom by Susan Kay, a novel exploring Erik's past before he dominated the Paris Opera.
Episode 13: Engaging With Masculinity
October 14th, 2022 | 1 hr 52 mins
gender, gender binary, gender identity, masculinity, performance of identity, performative identity
Jala is joined by Zombi to talk about how gender identity affects everyone and why it is significant, as well as discussing how we engage with masculinity. NOTE: Briar was supposed to be on this episode but due to technical difficulties, they wrote a blog post instead. Be sure to check it out!
Episode 12: Koi...Mil Gaya [Movie]
September 30th, 2022 | 2 hrs 5 mins
bollywood, hrithik roshan, koi...mil gaya, krrish, movie, sci-fi
Jala is joined by Dave (Monster Dear Monster) and Moon (TripleSMoon, Nick) to discuss the 2003 Bollywood action/drama/romance/sci-fi movie Koi...Mil Gaya (I've Found Someone).
Episode 11: Engaging With Femininity
September 16th, 2022 | 2 hrs 17 mins
femininity, gender, gender binary, gender identity
Jala is joined by Jamie and Marcus to talk about what gender is, and engaging with femininity; we talk about the dimensions of gender identity and how each of us came to understand our own gender. This is a continuation of the performance of identity themes of prior topical episodes.
Episode 10: Who Framed Roger Rabbit [Movie]
September 2nd, 2022 | 1 hr 51 mins
animation, disney, film noir, movie, noir, roger rabbit
Jala is joined by Leonard (Monster Dear Monster) and Adam (Monster Dear Monster) to discuss the 1988 live-action/animated crossover film, Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
Episode 9: Intersectionality
August 19th, 2022 | 2 hrs 24 mins
gender, gender identity, identity, intersectionality, performance of identity, performative identity
Jala is joined by Marcus and Briar to talk about intersectionality; we discuss gender as part of our intersecting identities. This is a continuation of both the DEIB and performance of identity themes of prior topical episodes.
Episode 8: D'Avekki Studios
August 5th, 2022 | 1 hr 50 mins
fmv, fmv game, fmv games, game, games, horror, interview, lovecraft, lovecraftian horror, murder, mystery, video game, video games
Jala is joined by Tim and Lynda Cowles of D'Avekki Studios to discuss their secret origins as a murder mystery dinner party turned FMV video game developer, their August trilogy (The Infectious Madness of Dr. Dekker, The Shapeshifting Detective, and Dark Nights With Poe and Munro), and their upcoming game, Murderous Muses!
Episode 7: Diversity and the Next Generation
July 29th, 2022 | 1 hr 41 mins
children, diversity, next generation, race, racial equality
Jala is joined by Simón Sotelo to discuss diversity and the next generation: how our decisions as parents, teachers, and community members impact children, and the importance of providing a full picture of society to them.
Episode 6: P.G. Wodehouse and His Man Jeeves [Book]
July 22nd, 2022 | 1 hr 59 mins
book, books, jeeves, p.g.wodehouse, prose
Jala is joined by Alex Krieger and Dave Cox (Monster Dear Monster) to discuss the short stories featuring Jeeves, written by P.G. Wodehouse.
Episode 5: Performance & Identity
June 24th, 2022 | 1 hr 34 mins
carl jung, gender, gender identity, identity, judith butler, performance, performative identity
Jala is joined by Seraph to discuss performance, identity, performative identity and gender identity. We cover theory as well as provide anecdotal examples of points raised, discussing different types of performance and aspects of identity as expressed in a variety of scenarios and environments. This is an introductory episode for a recurring topic.
Episode 4: The Batman [Movie]
June 10th, 2022 | 1 hr 57 mins
batman, batsnuggy, cinema, movie, superhero, the batman
Jala is joined by John Hutchison and Slade Eide-Ettaro to discuss The Batman (2022). See show notes for missed opportunity to discuss the all-important Batsnuggy™.
Episode 3: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging (DEIB)
May 27th, 2022 | 1 hr 45 mins
belonging, d&i, dei, deib, diversity, equity, inclusion, life topics
Jala is joined by Desirée Neyens to discuss Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging (DEIB): what it is, why it's important for everyone, how to approach it, what to do when you make a mistake, and more. This is an introductory episode for a recurring topic.
Episode 2: Ace Attorney [Movie]
May 8th, 2022 | 58 mins 57 secs
ace attorney, capcom, phoenix wright, video game, video game adaptation, video game movie
Jala is joined by Kole Ross (Duckfeed.tv) and Dave Cox (Monster Dear Monster) to discuss the 2012 live-action Ace Attorney movie, based on the first installment in Capcom's popular visual novel video game series Phoenix Wright.
Episode 1: Welcome to Jala-chan's Place
May 1st, 2022 | 6 mins 50 secs
In this inaugural episode, Jala tells you a bit about who she is, goes over some programming notes, and tells you what's coming up next.