Episode 8
D'Avekki Studios
August 5th, 2022
1 hr 50 mins 23 secs
About this Episode
Jala is joined by Tim and Lynda Cowles of D'Avekki Studios to discuss their secret origins as a murder mystery dinner party turned FMV video game developer, their August trilogy (The Infectious Madness of Dr. Dekker, The Shapeshifting Detective, and Dark Nights With Poe and Munro), and their upcoming game, Murderous Muses!
Mentioned during this episode:
- Murderous Muses, D'Avekki's upcoming title, is available now to wishlist on Steam and PlayStation Store!
- The August Trilogy:
- You can purchase D'Avekki's murder mystery dinner party games AND murder mystery date night games at The Murder Mystery Store! Of specific note during the episode are the Flexi Party line which allows you to play even if someone can't make it, and Murderous Decisions, where each player gets to make decisions that alter the gameplay!
- Shoutout to Mo's Memes for all the lovely D'Avekki video game memes.
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Jala Prendes - @jalachan
The Level
Tim Cowles - @letsfixitinpost
Lynda Cowles - @lyndacowles
D'Avekki Studios - @davekki