Episode 58
June 21st, 2024
3 hrs 3 mins 39 secs
About this Episode
Jala is joined by Desirée to discuss burnout, current work culture and the economy through the lens of history.
This episode is primarily a book report of: Can't Even: How Millennials Became the Burnout Generation by Anne Helen Petersen
Related episodes:
- Episode 7: Diversity and the Next Generation with Simón - our first book report episode.
- Episode 30: Pursuing Your Passions with Matthew - discussion of doing what you love, which folds into the "do what you love" discussion on this episode
- Episode 36: Unraveling Grind Culture with Moxie and Moon - the first episode on today's topic, inclusive of suggestions on how to cope.
- Episode 40: Internet and Identity - discussion involving digital pros/cons and how the internet has affected our lives
- Episode 41: SIMULACRA (IP) - SIMULACRA 2 delves into the ways being public on the internet can affect your well-being and sense of self. This is also discussed in this episode
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Jala Prendes - @jalachan
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Desirée Neyens - @dneyens
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